Get over it, you asswipes.
Most Fred lovers may be immature idiots, but you, complaining this much about it, makes you exactly the same.
I'm not saying his videos aren't bad, no, I'm just sick of people complaining about it. So what if he got 1,000,000 subscribers? How does that affect you in any way? Maybe you're a bit jealous that such 'horrible' videos are widely adored by the teeming mass of young children that is Youtube, while your 'fantastic' and 'well-made' videos aren't? They're young enough to think it's funny, so let them think it's funny. They'll grow out of it soon enough, like every other childhood fad, from Pokemon to Spongebob to this.
So yeah.
If you don't like them, stop being like them.
I know, so many people complain about it. He's really stupid.