Seriously. Newgrounds has to straighten up, now. Like, right now. It's getting quite annoying.
First off, there's all the underaged kids roaming around, spouting idiotic, hateful, ramblings from their quivering mouthholes
"--Intelligent fine gentleperson who disagreed with them-- SUXORZ!!!1!1"
Second of all, there's the spam groups and the anti-spam groups. Currently, Underdog of the Week and Turd of the week pretty much are all owned by spam groups, who spend their worhtless lives voting on their worthless submissions. This crap always passes though, because of people voting 2 on it so they can get a protection point. A little, tiny, +1 point to the thousands of points the protectors usually have, which in reality, are just useless pieces of data anyway.
And then there's the people who try to stop spam, with all the anti-spam groups and the like. Yeah, yeah, yeah, spam is annoying, blah, blah, blah, whatever. No offense, but it simply isn't going to work. Spamming the spammers? Ah, no, sorry. You don't even go after the real annoying stuff, the portal spam. I actually find userpage spam quite funny sometimes. Evil-Marshmallow, Kornrox, and stuff like it, yeah.
THEN, there's the people going around on people's userpages calling them noobs and idiots, simply because they signed up later than they did. See underaged users.
Finally, I forgot what I was going to put here.
But no-one will listen to me, I'm just an 08 user.
Pic not related.